Installing Applications and Updates with Discover
In KDE Plasma desktop, Discover helps you explore, install and update applications and system extensions.
You will find the Discover application in the System category of the start menu.

The homepage is the place where you’ll land after opening Discover. From here you can start exploring apps.

If you know the name of apps to install, type in the name of apps in the search window on the top left corner and press Enter. Discover will suggest a set of applications that matches your search.
App categories

Discover groups apps into categories. If you are looking for an app for a certain purpose, such as office work, this is your place to start.
App details

If you click on a desired app, Discover will show you more details about it. It displays information such as version, size and license, as well as screenshots, ratings and app permissions (only for Flatpaks). In the top right corner you can select the source/repository to download the app from (for example Fedora repository, Flathub, …).


This is your central place to install updates for applications and the system. You will get notified, whenever an update is available. Clicking on individual entries shows you what’s new. System updates require a restart by default. Read more about this and how to deactivate it.

The settings page lets you manage available software sources/repositories to install apps from. This is the place where you can activate the RPM Fusion repositories and the Snap Store, if not already done.
Installed Applications

You can manage and uninstall all your installed applications from the Installed page in Discover.
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